Thursday, April 25, 2013

Restaurant Manager Hurls Slurs at Bad Tippers Online Restaurant Manager Hurls Slurs at Bad Tippers Online

[Screengrab: Delaware Online]

Sure, some restaurants out no-shows on Twitter, but here's a restaurant that took customer-shaming in an abusive direction. Pan-Asian restaurant Padi in Hockessin, Delaware has found itself in the middle of social media nightmare having insulted customers on its Facebook page, Delaware Online reports. A manager named Aaron Kwan has been accused of using the restaurant's Facebook page and his own Instagram to berate poor tippers using racial slurs, profanity, and hashtags like "#cheap #jew." Some of the posts included pictures of receipts and offending patrons. Kwan maintains that though he had managed those accounts, waiters were more likely the culprit.

A recent visit to the restaurant by NBC 10 Philadelphia finds the restaurant management working to correct the damage done by the outrageous posts, beginning with putting Kwan on an unpaid leave until the situation is sorted. Owner Eve Teoh has also shut down Padi's Facebook and Instagram accounts, hired a social media consultant, personally contacted the customers mentioned in posts, and is working with an attorney to draft a "no tolerance" policy for their employees. Below, her take on the fiasco:

Video: Restaurant's Facebook Page Insults Bad Tippers

· Restaurant's Facebook Page Insults Bad Tippers [NBC 10 Philadelphia]
· Delaware restaurant caught in vulgar social media snafu [Delaware Online]
· All Scandals Coverage on Eater [-E-]

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